dr bob failed movie critic, Logan Lucky (2017).
A feel good offbeat hillbilly crime caper family comedy ensemble piece ('ensemble" is a professional term) written by a woman, so there was a lot of relationship stuff going on. Father-daughter, brother-brother, brother-sister, husband ex-wife, ex-husband high school younger girl he forgot existed, new husband-sister-in-law rivalry and buddies, did I forget about unrelated relations? The first thing that caught my eye was the i ... ncredible list of actors: Channing Tatum, Daniel Craig, Adam Driver, Katie Holmes.
I was a Daniel Craig fan in his pre-Bond days when he did offbeat independent films like the one where he was a handyman in love with a plain looking much older woman "The Mother": http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0323298/ ]. My male action movie gene of course loves his Bond interpretation, so the fact that he can still do eclectic confirms my belief in his acting integrity. Katie Holmes is now in the news, she finally found a successful guy who loves her as she is instead of what he wanted her to be, we are happy for her. Just a low key part here as the ex-wife. Adam Driver, another endearing weird role, this time as a one armed vet bartender. Channing with no muscles or skin showing, he can also act besides playing to his strength as eye candy for women. white high low dresses
And a newcomer stealing the scene from the opening seconds of the movie in a father-daughter exchange: Farrah Makenzie [ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm5008863/ ], already 16 acting credits at 11 years of age (okay she started at 5). bob is a sucker for little girls, and she knows how to do cute and innocent really well.
Riley Keough plays the no nonsense short shorts/dress Daisy Duke role (think Dukes of Hazzard), and does the fast driving sequence with a late model sporty Mustang, while normally driving an old red 1970s Pontiac Grand Prix with wide white hood stripes as an homage to the old muscle car days. NASCAR race cars provide some speed scenes including the mandatory car crash (no one hurt---this is a happy movie). Riley was in the latest Mad Max movie (the women's edition), and granddaughter to Elvis, who would have guessed.
Hillary Swank comes in towards the end to pair off with one of the singles in order to assure us all of a happily ever after ending in a surprise twist. We boys all walked out satisfied customers. [bob has to use nephews or his single brother-in-law as excuses to see this kind of movie, a win-win proposition and now even he gets with the senior citizen price reduction.]